In the vast, grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000, the tales of heroism, betrayal, and relentless war are endless. The Space...
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, developed by Behaviour Interactive, was an ambitious foray into the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000. Released...
Oi, ya gitz! Listen up ‘cause dis here’s a tale of sky-splittin’, dakka-spittin’ mayhem! Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron, is all...
Last month we broke the news that the highly anticipated sequel to 2011’s surprise smash hit, Space Marine, would be...
Time is running out for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 to be released on schedule. Saber Interactive and Focus Entertainment...
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. Mankind is assailed on all sides by the...
In the grim darkness of the 42nd millennium, the galaxy teeters on the brink of destruction. The Imperium of Man is under siege, and the relentless Tyranid hordes threaten to consume all. In this dire hour, only the superhuman might and unwavering loyalty of a Space Marine can hold the line against the horrors of the universe.