In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only Waaagh!

Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef thrusts players into the heart of the perpetual conflict that defines the 41st millennium, but this time, it’s not just about the survival of the fittest; it’s about da quest for da mightiest hair squig in da galaxy!
Landing on the chaotic planet of Luteus Alpha, the Ork leader, our protagonist, experiences a theft most foul – Warboss Ogruk Gutrekka has snatched the Ork’s precious hair squig, igniting a fire of vengeance that propels players into the heart of the hive city of Luteus Prime. And thus begins the wild ride through the hand-drawn 2D landscapes, filled with dakka, gore, and explosions, where the only law is the law of the Waaagh!
The meticulous craftsmanship of the hand-drawn scenery is jaw-droppingly beautiful and gives an incredible sense of depth to the side-scrolling world. The Imperial Hive City is a labyrinth of gothic architecture and ominous grandeur, a fitting backdrop for the unbridled chaos that ensues. The attention to detail, despite the frenetic pace of the game, is a testament to the dedication of the developers at Rogueside.
Choosing your Ork from four diverse classes is not just a cosmetic choice; each class comes with a unique toolkit that aligns with the rich lore of Warhammer 40,000. The Orkz, known for throwing sheer numbers at their enemies, are presented here in all their green glory, ready to krump through hordes of Humans, Orks, and Genestealer cultists.
The arsenal of weapons at your disposal is impressive, with up to twenty different instruments of destruction waiting to be unleashed. Every self-respecting Ork knows: “There’s no such thing as too much dakka!” From flamethrowers to shotguns, each weapon serves a purpose, and experimenting with the variety adds a tactical layer to the chaotic mayhem.

Speaking of chaos, the game’s soundtrack deserves a standing ovation. Deon van Heerden’s heavy metal compositions create a sonic landscape perfectly suited to the violence and intensity of the Warhammer universe. It’s an integral part of the experience, enhancing the headbanging joy of wreaking havoc upon your enemies.
Don’t buy Shootas, Blood & Teef expecting a space opera level narrative campaign. The Ork seeking revenge for a stolen hair squig may sound comical, but it’s the perfect excuse for the relentless onslaught of krumping and carnage. Hilarious cut-scenes pepper the gameplay, providing moments of levity in the midst of the chaos.
Boss battles are a highlight of the experience. Clever designs challenge players’ skills without crossing the line into frustration. Taking down a Baneblade in a two-phase fight becomes a badge of honour, a testament to the player’s prowess in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
The Mekboy shop introduces a delightful touch of Ork fashion, allowing players to earn hats by vanquishing bosses, completing milestones, or exchanging Teef. Teef are the traditional Ork currency in 40K lore and in the game are earned by tearing through the story; more krumpin’ equals more Teef.
The multiplayer aspect of Shootas, Blood & Teef elevates the experience to a whole new level. Playing through the campaign with up to four Ork Boyz locally or online, the fun is magnified when shared with friends. Cooperative chaos reigns supreme as each player chooses a class and joins the Waaagh!
The unbridled fun to be had with Shooters, Blood & Teef means that the occasional freezes and crashes are a nuisance but don’t detract from the overall enjoyment. Enemies can sometimes blend with backgrounds, but this is an extremely minor complaint.

Let’s address the Squiggoth in the room – the game’s lack of content and replay value. The campaign, while a blast for a few hours, leaves players hungry for more. The repetitive nature of the straight-line run-and-gun levels, combined with the somewhat generic enemies, becomes more apparent upon replay. Shootas, Blood & Teef is a fantastic experience, but over too soon.
Shootas, Blood & Teef captures the essence of Orkish mayhem admirably, it falls short in terms of content and variety. The controls, though serviceable, lack the finesse and smoothness of its counterparts.
Despite these shortcomings, the game remains a fine piece of unthinking ‘popcorn’ entertainment. The hand-painted 2D environments, set against the grandiose backdrop of the Imperial Hive City, deliver a visual treat. The simplicity of the game doesn’t undermine its charm; instead, it serves as a reminder of the joy in mindless, green-skinned fun.
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is a celebration of Orkish revelry, a testament to the unapologetic chaos that defines the Warhammer 40,000 universe. For diehard fans, this is a must-play, a chance to revel in the joy of being an Ork. However, for the uninitiated, the game might be a brief, albeit enjoyable, foray into the rich and violent world of Warhammer 40,000. Waaagh! on, my fellow Orks, Waaagh! on!
Shootas, Blood & Teef is currently 40% off on Steam: